Friends of Basil: (4th Annual) Charities Fundraising Drive! July 8-20, 2013
Player name:
Current Valid Entries for Players:

How it Works

Uses Longitude and Latitude and WorldWeatherOnline's API to look up the weather for today, tomorrow and the day after so you can see if it's raining or not. This is the same service Self Aware Games uses for Fleck, not all precipitation waters plants though

Based on the Coordinates listed in the first table, you can click on the Lat/Long numbers to find Chance of Precipitation forecast in 12 hour increments for the next 72 hours.

You can also click on the city name to find hourly forecasts for the next 36 hours

New Feature! use "rain" or one of the alternate sets above as the player and get a lookup of 30 GPS coordinates across the country to see if it's raining there. Good for the "finding a location to dance or fight in the rain when required.

Like the results? Want your own? Email Me a list of your locations preferably in the following tab delimited format:

#Lat Long Landmark Local Description City
41.105 -73.51 Waveny Park Waveny Park New Canaan CT
30.54 -80.69 Bert, WV Q*Bert Middlebourne WV

also the user name you'd like to use. I'll add you as quickly as I can, though particpants in the FOB Charity Drive will get preferential treatment. :)

Meanwhile you if you already know the Longitude and Latitude, you can try using the Direct Lat Long Lookup version of the fleck Weather Tool. (This is the version that's used in Blue's Very Unofficial Landscape Fleck Extension for Chrome, when you click on the current weather condition.

Created by Basil. Last modified March 7, 2013.