Day 7: Kalamazoo, MI to Cleveland Heights, OH

In the morning, after a light breakfast at the hotel, we checked out, and set out on the road again. It was 9:20 am, and we had 350 miles and 2 stops to make before settling at our lodging for the evening. The skies were alternating cloudy and sunny making for some dramatic shots. Our first stop was in Grand Ledge, MI where we met Anna and William for Brunch. Anna and Winston know each other from Junior Achievement back in high school, and haven’t seen each other in just about 14 years. Breakfast was at Sophia’s house of Pancakes, which had large portions of delicious food. We caught up on things and watched Megan eat. After breakfast, we filled up on gas (8.23 gallons at $2.56/gal) and then drove to see the state capitol in Lansing.

Incidentally, Anna and William’s home in Lansing, marked the most Northern point of this Road Trip, after this every leg had a southerly component to it. We snapped a couple of photos of the State capitol of Michigan in Lansing around 12:45 and the continued driving. Winston needed a nap, so we stopped just north of Ann Arbor, and Megan and Mommy and a wild romping time in the cascade of fall foliage and the abundance of Lady Bugs.

Back on the road we crossed the Michigan-Ohio State Line just after 3:00 PM and made pretty good time all the way into Cleveland. Once we got there we visited our old landlord Ed, and he showed us around his place, and his Radio Control Hall of Fame (BTW Winston designed that website) We stayed for dinner which was quite delectable and then they gave Megan a generous share of toys including a Barbie VW bug and a Fisher Price School bus, both of which Megan absolutely loves. We then went to stay at the Crest Bed and Breakfast in Cleveland Heights, just after 8:30. It is a lovely place and we stayed there two evenings. We’ll talk a bit more the next couple of days

See the Photos